Top 5 Reasons to Use AV Tech for Debriefing

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What can AV do to enhance your debriefing process? Read on to get the most out of your debriefing time for better learner outcomes and improved patient care.

1. AV Technology Helps You Remain Objective 

It’s a simulation best practice to hold the debrief immediately after the scenario takes place so it’s fresh in the learner’s mind. But in a single day, facilitators may observe multiple learners perform the same simulation, and learners may take part in more than one simulation event.

Video-assisted debriefing can help facilitators keep track of their simulation schedule, more objectively address a learning objective, and highlight performance observations. And when learners practice technical skill development with audio-video technology, it’s convenient for facilitators to make observations during live event and later reference them on the video during the debrief.

 2. AV Technology Clears Up Disputes

Video-assisted debriefing can be helpful to the learner as it ensures a clear record of the simulation, including what they did and didn’t do. In a recent, informal poll, 55% of our participants said that their biggest debriefing challenge is that they don’t know how to deal with difficult learners. Difficult learners may mock or refuse to engage with the simulation event, or dispute what happened.

To alleviate this, establish buy-in early on and develop a sense of interpersonal support. Learners may feel vulnerable, exposed, or even scrutinized during the debrief, especially when they’ve made mistakes that will be on view during video playback. If you’re settling disputes via video debriefing, it’s essential that you set the stage for learners to feel psychologically safe.

3. AV Technology Streamlines the Debriefing Process

Short on time following the scenario? Keep things on track by establishing a video-enhanced debriefing structure, including goals, actions, and time estimates. A set structure will help acclimate both repeat and novice learners to the debriefing environment. When learners are committed to treating the simulation scenario like a real medical event, they’re better able to emotionally engage in the experience and express themselves during debriefing.

4. AV Technology Helps You Track Trends

Are your learners correctly developing the essential skills they’ll need in real-world practice? Medical errors remain a leading cause of death in the United States: when conducting simulation exercises, examine how your learners are progressing; how your learners compare between cohorts and years; and how your learners are translating skill development into practice.

V technology makes it easier to make macro-level observations and track trends over time. If a certain skill is consistently being missed or underdeveloped, it may be time to evaluate your curricula and make changes as needed.

5. AV Technology is Compatible with Simulation Management Software

Consider implementing video technology that’s tied to a clinical simulation management operating platform. Beyond the debrief, you can use bookmarks to flesh out learner records and review, report, and analyze your data. Facilitators can leverage their full simulation efforts and drive tangible result with a single integrated system that utilizes audio-visual hardware and software for management, evaluation, and mobile device access.

Make the Most of Your Debrief

Video-assisted debriefing can help facilitators more objectively address a learning objective, highlight performance observations, and clear up disputes. It can also be helpful to the learner to ensure a clear record of the simulation, including what they did and didn’t do.

However, it’s important that faculty or facilitators practice using the video technology prior to the live event. Have an idea of when you need to make bookmarks and where you’ll incorporate video clips during the debrief. Video shouldn’t dominate the debrief. Because debriefing time is limited, use video to enhance the discussion process and facilitate feedback.

Schedule a free consultation to learn more about how you can seamlessly implement AV technology to enhance the debriefing process at your institution.
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